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Feel Better. Do Better. Together.

A Thriving for Equity group coaching program for people who want to change the world…but sometimes have trouble making it to lunch.

Welcome, Courageous Thrivers!

Yes, courageous, because choosing to hop off the hamster wheel and dare to dream of a world in which everyone has what they need to thrive - including you - is counter-cultural. It’s like what Tricia Hersey of The Nap Ministry says of rest. It’s a form of resistance.

It’s courageous to take a stand against Perpetual Sacrifice Syndrome.

It takes some guts to put yourself at the center of your own life when everything and everyone around you (and the voices in your head) scream “How dare you! That’s so selfish!”

It takes some audacity to claim that you deserve to thrive regardless of what privileged and targeted intersectional identities you hold — perhaps even more audacity than what you’ve drawn on to fuel your work to ensure justice and equity for people who have less access to it than you do right now.

Feel Better. Do Better. Together. was created for people who recognize what a big deal it is to choose thriving — instead of surviving or striving — for a better world. It’s for those who are ready to join with poet Richard Blanco in the Declaration of Interdependence , letting go of the myth of the self-made hu-”man” — for good. It’s for people who are ready to join multiracial, multigender, diversely spiritual space in which we do messy humaning together, making room for mistakes and doing the work of repair when harm happens. It’s for people who want to be supported and support each other. It’s for people who are ready to create a new way to do our work in the world. Together.

Is it for you? See below for more details.


What’s Included?

Here's everything you’ll get inside of Feel Better Do Better Together:


4 Months

Four months of experiencing greater delight, laughter, love and support from a place of freedom and wonder rather than an extended to-do list (or a 5 a.m wake up call). The next cohort will begin in Fall 2024.



An Intimate Online Community with Dedicated Group Coaching 
An intimate and collaborative community that combines personal attention and support with the extra delight of connecting with fellow “there-has-to-be-a-better-way” seekers. A space that will nourish you - heart, mind, and soul even when facing the discomfort that can come from experimenting with trusting, and dare I say enjoying your life as it shows up. (Yes, for some of us enjoying life feels incredibly risky — Shouldn’t I be planning for that other shoe to drop? If I enjoy my life now, then maybe I’ll never get______.) A space in which you are invited to rest, to grow, to connect and to challenge yourself, a space in which you can make mistakes and discover new strengths.


Weekly 75 minute group coaching calls. The calls follow a structure that invites you to engage, while still giving you space to step back, watch and listen (because sometimes it’s simply what you need to do). Calls will be recorded and you can submit questions in advance if you know you won’t be able to attend.


Sacred Space

A place to gather virtually off of Facebook (with all of its drama and distraction), a sacred space where you practice showing up for yourself authentically as yourself, a place in which you honor your yeses, your nos, your “not-right-now-but-soons”. A place where all of your experiences, emotions and thoughts are welcome. A circle in which you feel that your presence (not your performance) matters. This isn’t one more training you need to master. This is a safe-enough space (because we can’t promise perfection, but we can commit to ongoing growth, responsiveness, and respect for each other) to experiment with celebration, self-compassion, and self-acceptance as paths to doing better at what matters most to you.


Anchoring Frameworks and Practices. Every week you’ll open your inbox to a find content that will help you to move from living half soul-starved and exhausted to fully living the life you’ve been given" (thank you, Paidrig O’Tuama for that phrase), empowered and energized by the work you do to make the world better for everyone.  

Movement & More

Movement, Qoya, and Future Writing. Twice-monthly Future Writing™ sessions to support you to imagine new possibilities in areas where you’re stuck and to find ways to move forward to what you really want; a monthly Qoya-inspired movement classes and Embodied Joy sessions support you in moving stuck energy and allow you to experience the joy of being in your body just as it is right now! You can learn more about Future Writing and Qoya-inspired movement down below. Embodied Joy sessions are a mystery surprise (created by Larissa Parson in response to the people who shoe up!) All sessions will be recorded.


“I joined because I was feeling stuck in both my career and my personal life, struggling to make strides forward.  I really wanted to try something different, and in a group setting rather than by myself.  After participating in the early bird groups, I have already had opportunities for moving my work in a new direction with a private wellness practice, particularly supporting the LGBTQ+ community!”

Esther, member of FBDB2G, Fall 2023

Larissa Parson

Larissa Parson



I’m delighted to be partnering with Larrisa Parson, an embodied joy coach who supports women and non-binary folks who want to unravel the influence of white supremacy culture and patriarchy in their lives & bodies.

Larissa will leading a monthly Future Writing session and a monthly Embodied Joy session. You are in for a treat!


Marquita Davis

I’m so excited to be working with Marquita Davis, Essayist, Poet, and Wayfinder Life-Coach-in-Training. Marquita’s work highlights the importance of understanding of ourselves, our traumas, and triggers as a path to healing and authentic living, and whenever possible, will make you laugh out loud along the way.

Marquita shares her original writings during Marquita’s Musings.

Larissa, Joyce, and Marquita are all contributing authors to Feel Better. Do Better: A Guide for People Who Want to Change the World, but Sometimes Have Trouble Making It To Lunch!  



How Does It Work?

Here’s an overview of the path we’ll follow together…
though it may shift a bit in response to what we co-create together as a group (We told you this was a collaborative experience!):

Module 1: Release (New Foundations)  
For the first few weeks we’ll focus on letting go of  beliefs that keep good people trapped in bad feelings by reflecting on questions like “What if you’re already good?” We’ll explore new possibilities through powerful, though often quite simple, practices that engage your body as well as your mind.  By the end of this time, like a bird in a cage with an open door, you’ll feel the possibilities that new thoughts and choices — even tiny ones—have started to open up.  Whether it shows up in a space on your calendar where that dreaded board meeting used to be, or flowers on your bedside table, you’ll feel a newfound spaciousness.


Module 2: Recalibrate (New Guides) 
Now that you’re not letting all those “have tos” and “shoulds” control your life, we’ll use pleasure, desire, and intuition to reclaim ways of knowing that have long been dismissed.  You’ll start learning the language of your body’s wisdom, get curious about your desires, and find multiple ways to tap into your Inner Mentor.  Even uncomfortable emotions will make a showing as a treasure trove of wisdom!  You’ll be surprised, delighted and maybe a bit sad at times, as you realize how much you’ve been missing out on the amazingness of you, but you’ll also feel strengthened by the journey.  Maybe you’ll find deep clarity about a big decision . Perhaps, you’ll notice that you spend a lot less time and energy critiquing your body now that you actually connect with it on a regular basis. Or maybe you’ll experience child-like excitement and curiosity about what happens next, rather than your usual cycle of doubt and worry.  Whatever your journey looks like,  it will be just right for you.


Module 3: Rekindle  (Deep Nourishment)
In our remaining time together we’ll experiment with new ways of being that leave you feeling nourished and energized, head to toe, heart to belly, deep down in your soul  (and maybe even in the sexy parts that you have perhaps been neglecting?)  Yes, it’s possible! The problem for most of us is that we don’t know how to take in the abundant nourishment that is always available to us regardless of the state our bank accounts, our bodies, our relationships, or the kitchen sink. It’s been a very effective strategy in support of oppressive structures and systems to keep us away from what will empower us - calling our needs and desires selfish or frivolous or even “savage.” Enough of that!  Together we will begin to dissolve oppression in and around us by doing crazy counter-cultural things like moving and making noise, resting and drinking in beauty and NOT “pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps”.  You’ll need some patience and trust in the pace of your process, but when you feel your sense of wonder returning and find that you can laugh instead of scream when your teenager once again refuses to eat the meal that you swear was his favorite just last week, all the focused attention you’ve put towards to getting filled up in new ways will feel oh so worth it.


Let’s recap all the goodness you’re getting during our time together….

  • An intimate, supportive online community of like-minded seekers (off Facebook)  - you’re not crazy and you don’t have do go it alone. Nor do you have to leave half of yourself at the door - unless you want to

  • New companions on the journey to find a better way to live a life that matters - people who want to enjoy life more while being part of the change they want to see in the world

  • Group coaching 3 times a month - compassionate troubleshooting at its best

  • Weekly modules and practices that shine the light on your path forward, and help you to start following it

  • Racial affinity group conversations one during each section of the course - be seen; be heard; take action (which in some cases will look like resting) 

  • Movement classes twice a month - because we live life in our bodies; they deserve to move

  • Future Writing™ twice a month - expand the possibilities first in your mind, then in your life

  • Oh yeah and you just might have a taste of that freedom you long for.  Freedom to relax, freedom to have fun, freedom to thrive financially, freedom to have and enjoy sex, freedom to take really good care of yourself, freedom to say no, freedom to shine, freedom from shame, worry and judgment; freedom to love, freedom to let others live their lives and make their own choices and freedom to enjoy yours.


Total Investment: $3365 or $561/month for 6 months

Or join with a friend for just $2365 each! ($1000 off!)

Do you feel drawn to the program, but need additional financial support to join?

Sign up for a Clarity Call below and let’s see what’s possible!

Our intention is that the conversation will benefit you regardless of whether you join or not.

Plus, we genuinely desire a class-diverse space.

We gotta eat and pay our bills, but if we can make it happen we will!




What is Future Writing™? 
Future Writing™ is a special kind of journaling and visioning practice (created by Makenna Held) that allows you to “try on” different futures to see what fits.  It helps you to expand the possibilities you can see which is incredibly powerful in itself.  But we don’t stop there. You’ll toss what you don’t like and when you find something you do, you’ll take tiny actions which will add up faster than you’d expect.  

What is Qoya? 
Qoya is a movement practice (created by Rochelle Schieck) based on the idea that through movement we remember that we are wise, wild and free.  Best of all there’s no way to do it wrong!  In my experience it’s an incredibly powerful way to practice self-love and learn to listen to and honor your true desires - especially if you tend towards perfectionism.  You can learn more about Qoya at  
