Thriving for Equity 1:1 Coaching

When you’ve decided you’re ready to invest in yourself, even though you can’t imagine where you’ll find the time


My clients are accomplished.  They are highly conscientious.*

*conscientious (of a person) wishing to do what is right, especially to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly.

And they are exhausted.

They care deeply about the work they do — whether it’s parenting kids who feel safe and are kind and courageous, or organizing a national campaign to prevent a wrongful execution (is there ever a rightful one, really?) or heading a non-profit that helps kids become joyful readers and successful students — their work matters. And it’s truly satisfying in many ways.

They know they have a lot of priveleges others don’t have. They don’t want to be selfish.

But they are exahusted.

They want more love, more rest, more happiness, AND especially more time.

Helping accomplished, highly conscientious, overcommitted — and secretly magical — humans move themselves to the center of their own lives so they can do good in the world without sacrificing their joy, wellness and relationships is my jam.

Here’s what the Feel Better. Do Better. 1:1 Coaching Package contains: 

I do deep work with my clients so what we’re heading for is a 6-12-month commitment to allow space and time for the big changes you want to emerge within a spacious container that allows for the inevitable detours and rest stops along the way. That’s what I describe below.

But a year is a big commitment (for both of us) if we haven’t worked together before. So you’ll start with a 1-month Intensive.

We can schedule the intensive according in a couple different ways - according to your preference. We can meet once a week for four weeks, do two half-day intensives or one full day.

Then we’ll decide together whether that was all the boost you needed, or if you want to keep the momentum going by continuing our work together for another 6 or 12 months.


Your personal secret hideaway and a glimmer of hope:


When you book a package with me I want you to feel as if you have discovered a secret cabin hideaway (or beach shack, or treehouse, or lakeside resort) that was created just for you, but that you didn’t know existed until now. 


Unlike the rest of your demanding life, this place is just yours and when you enter it, you don’t have to take care of anyone else, defend your choices to people who know nothing about who you actually are, or try to explain why what someone else thinks you SHOULD want just isn’t what you DO want.


You take in a deep breath and let out an audible sigh as you realize that you get to return regularly to this space for a whole year — for renewal, rest, nourishment, and guidance and the occasional hard-to-hear truth that hits you in just the right spot to free you up to move forward with clarity, like the jolt of your body hitting the water in a mountain-fed lake. A bit uncomfortable, but invigorating.


You know that that throughout the year this space will support you with just what you need at that moment.  Some days you will feel held in warmth and comfort as delightful as an evening curled up with a good book by a warm fire, a decadent cup of hot chocolate on the table beside you.  On others you will be refreshed by a wild breeze that invites you to shake things up a bit.


But always, always when you enter you know that you will be met with compassion. 


You feel proud of yourself for choosing to overcome the obstacles that could have prevented you from investing in yourself the way you invest in others. 


You feel curious, excited, and maybe a little nervous too — because you know that you are embarking on an adventure when you enter the doors of this enchanted dwelling.  And adventures, by definition, contain unknowns and surprises.


Most important, you already feel a glimmer of hope that life can be more joyful than it is right now. In fact, you notice that it’s happening already. 


A Strong Start


A reflective intake process:  We start with a 90-120 minute intro session at which we will flesh out more of the details of where you are now and get crystal clear on your “feel better” desires AND your “do better” desires.  You’ll feel better just from getting more clarity about what you want, and saying it out loud, but that’s only the beginning. Don’t worry, your secrets are safe with me! We start every session creating a boundary (of your choosing) to surround the two of us, creating a safe space where you can say what you really want. Sure you may eventually choose to make some choices that scare you right now. But you don’t have to burn everything down, broadcast your hopes to everyone, or even believe that what you want is possible. And when you’re ready, I’ll be right beside you for every step you do choose to take. There’s no rush.


Private Coaching via Zoom


Six to twelve months of support for all of you – your heart, your spirit, your body, your bad-ass professional self, your parent/auntie/friend parts, your inner child, your bratty teenager, your committed activist, your woo-self who talks to trees, the self behind the persona that most people think is the real you, but isn’t, and whoever else wants to show up.  All parts of you are invited (yes absolutely even your sexual self if you so choose – there’s serious power and bliss there!).  No hiding or performing necessary. 


Steady ongoing support


As one of my 1:1 clients, you have access to me via Voxer (or WhatsApp if you prefer) and email throughout our time together. So, you’re not left hanging when you have a big blow-up with your partner, said the absolutely wrong thing to a colleague when you we’re trying to do the opposite, just ate through your child’s entire trick-or-treat stash, or your inner brat somehow got unleashed on your direct reports and you’re trying to figure out how you will recover from the damage.  I’m in your back-pocket.


Doable next steps, accountability and shame-free trouble-shooting when you get stuck


Together we will create action steps for you to take in-between sessions.  Some will take no additional time at all (chances are you’re already busy and tired); others will take significant investment on your part – because the changes you want require nurturing.  But this isn’t school, and you are always in charge.  We create your action steps together and you choose what feels best for you.  If you end up not doing your work (it happens!), we explore that with curiosity and try something new.  There is no shaming or blaming here!   In fact, I’ve found that often the “failed experiments” yield the best results over time. It’s all just data.


Practices that help you get out of your mind, feel your feelings, and connect to your body


As humans we can’t do life without our bodies, but it’s so easy to act as if they don’t matter much— moving through the tasks of life barely remembering to eat, let alone feel what’s going on inside. The ways we find your unique path toward feeling and doing better will keep you returning to the home of your body, and finding out it’s been there for you all along.  You’ll learn how to gently release stuck energies, listen to the wisdom your body has for you (it tends to be more honest than our minds, believe it or not), and feel big feelings without being overwhelmed by them or setting off alarms in your nervous system.


Optional group sessions:

  • Qoya movement classes that reinforce the path we walk in our sessions—giving you the chance to practice with your body making choices that feel good, trusting yourself and living as if there really is “no way to do it wrong".  Each class is a journey of discovery that will remind you that you are wise, wild and free, and that pleasure really is a path to progress and productivity.

  • Future Writing™ sessions that will support you in imagining new possibilities in areas where you’re feeling stuck. Like the most delightful day of trying on new clothes or savoring a flight of wine or whiskey to see what lights you up - and what doesn’t - Future Writing is a fun way to “try on” new options without having to commit to life altering decisions, and creating ease around moving forward towards the ones that feel delightful.

  • Discounts on retreats and other programs that I offer.


Some results you may experience from 1:1 coaching include (of course your’s will be unique to you and your goals):

  • Empowering clarity about what it is you really want, so you can show up to the causes that matter in a way that energizes instead of draining you

  • The ability to fully take in all the love available to you even as you expand your expression of your power in the world

  • A strong, deep and powerful connection with your inner wisdom, so that instead of spreading yourself thin, your energy goes where it has the most impact - in all areas of your life, not just work

  • The momentum that comes from taking action in places where you’ve been avoiding it — and celebrating yourself for both the little and the big wins

  • Increased power and ease in your relationship with money

  • Increased freedom from the power of harsh critical voices in your head, so you're able to use that mental space to create — or leap into — your unique work

  • An increased capacity to feel challenging emotions and to use them as sources of energy and wisdom that invigorate your life in every area, so you show up just as turned on for your kids as you do for you clients

  • A felt sense of freedom and increased capacity from internal shifts you make that open up new possibilities you can't see just yet

  • More enjoyment of the sensuality of life and your own body—and better sex—whether you have a partner (or partners) or not, which will increase your confidence and power in every area of your big ass life

  • And it’s oh-so-likely that you will also discover that the world is more magical than you ever knew (or maybe you did, but you just forgot!)


The place start is with a free Clarity Call, which will help you get clear on what you really want, what’s in the way and a step you could take to get moving towards the BIG life you were meant to create.

I’m amazing at helping people get to clarity. You’d be surprised how often what you think you want isn’t the desire with the real JUICE behind it. When you tap into that, you’ll feel the difference. The call is free. What’s stopping you? 

Important PSA: Procrastination is just a sneaky version of perfectionism, which is one of the characteristics of the oppressive structures we live in that keeps them in place. You have all the time you need. I’m not going anywhere. BUT if you already know you want to talk, don’t push it off. Sign up now for a Clarity call. Let’s talk about what you're longing for, what's frustrating you, and how you get unstuck.

Can’t find a time that works in the next week? Shoot an email to my team and we'll figure out something that does.