What Have You Committed to Recently?

Hello Thrivers, 

On the day this goes out, I will be at jury duty, waiting along with others hoping that I don’t get chosen this time.  I care deeply about the people who are waiting to experience a trial by jury.  And I know our system is so very broken, and that those who are there are disproportionately people living in brown and black bodies, especially Black men.  If I am called to serve at this time, I will assume that it matters that I’m on the jury for this one, but it’s coming right in the middle of two 28-day commitments for me — perhaps three if you count the one that has emerged from the other two.  So I’m sending my request to the Universe that I don’t get chosen this time. 


I’d like to tell you a little bit about one of the three commitments/invitations today in case, perhaps, there’s something in your soul that wants to make one too.


The first commitment I’ve made is to participate in a program my coach, Michelle Boulé, is leading called The Prosperous Creative. 


It’s about what it sounds like — learning to be prosperous as a creative person.  What’s special about this 4-week program for me is that it’s giving me a chance to connect with some artists and entrepreneurs who want to stop struggling financially.  


Many creatives, artists, activists, and social-justice-oriented teachers are steeped in tropes of the “starving artist” or the martyr who sacrifices themselves to save the less fortunate.  In these circles wanting to have or make more money is often demonized.  


I get it.  I’ve been there. I’m still working through my relationship with money. 


But despite a demonstrated commitment to keeping myself living paycheck-to-paycheck regardless of my circumstance (that is, to ensure that I am never living in financial abundance), I didn’t manage to save the world.  And a lot of the time, I  lived with such a heavy energy and critical, judgmental spirit (even if I tried to keep those thoughts to myself) that I probably spread at least as much misery as I did love.


Conversely, I’m finding that as I have required more “respect on my check” — particularly when I was still working in educational institutions where women and early childhood educators have been among the lowest paid historically— and as I have owned my desire to increase my wealth and started moving in that direction, I am more able to love and serve with my whole heart.  And on top of that, I’m finding that as I’ve changed, I’m able to help my clients improve their relationship with money too!  It’s so much fun!


And I have to tell you I am so excited to see how many people will be able to have a fabulous job they love for which they are well-paid in the company I’m building.  


I love paying people.  I really do!   It’s funny but true.  

No, money isn’t the sole answer to joy and justice.  But it is a resource that can be used to support both.  


I personally want to see more good-hearted people with more of it enjoying their lives to the fullest possible extent they can.  


Because life is meant to be that good.  


And also I believe that’s how we save the world.  With our joy.  With our love.  And with whatever resources we have.


In my experience, fighting against having money or against people who have money is just a waste of energy.  


You don’t have to agree with me.  I’m not interested in trying to convince you or having an argument about it.


But if you wish that you could have permission to want more financial well-being in your life, I encourage you to listen to that longing.  And  - in case it helps – permission granted.


Here’s to thriving and equity and historically oppressed people bringing in the big bucks and all of us changing the systems so we all thrive financially and in all the ways!


And, of course, I hope you’ll join the (Free or $15) Financial Thriving Series coming up next week!  Save the dates below and look for registration info Saturday morning.  Come to one or all three!  And bring a friend!


Not only will it help you to feel more empowered and confident around money, but you’ll also get a taste of what it will be like to join the Feel Better Do Better Group Program, where you’ll learn how to create more joy, space and time in all areas of your life (not just your finances). We’ll get creative about shaping new systems to find true empowerment for ourselves and others too!


P.S. Know you want to come to the Financial Thriving Series? Yay! Hit reply and we'll get you registered!


Virtual Events

Financial Thriving Series
pay what you desire - free or $15; all take place on Zoom  


Tuesday, Jan. 31, 6:00 PM ET

What Do You Really Want?  First Steps to Creating a New Financial Reality (with Larissa Parson, FBDB Ch. 1)


Thursday, Feb. 2, 7:00 PM ET 

Feel Better Now.  You’re Already Good Enough Regardless of Your Past Financial Decisions (and feeling better will help you heal them too!)


Sunday, Feb. 3, 3:00 PM ET 

Take Inspired Action.  Your Financial Thriving Action Plan

Deb Shine ValentineComment