Happy Book Giveaway Day!

Hello everyone!  

For those of you in the U.S. who celebrate Thanksgiving - amidst all its complexities - Happy Holiday! I hope you are enjoying what is there to enjoy and honoring what you feel called to honor in alignment with your values.

For those who are mourning on this day, may you feel the peace that is always available deep in the heart of Love and may your cries for truth, justice and healing be seen, felt, heard and responded to with action.

For those who eat turkey and pie, but prefer not to call your actions "celebrating Thanksgiving" due to the mess of histories and inaccurate myths connected to this holiday, I hope you are enjoying yummy food and a day off work and finding ways to honor the Indigenous people's of the land where you live, the land itself and your amazing self too.

For those who aren't in the U.S., I hope that whatever you are doing is nourishing and delightful and that you are finding joy in the midst of whatever messiness life is handing you in this moment.

And Happy Native American Heritage Day tomorrow (U.S. again) and Native American Heritage month. Not sure how to celebrate? Start small, but start. Perhaps take a moment to feel the discomfort that we typically avoid. Notice that you can feel it and instead of spiraling into shame, take a small action. Here's one idea: Follow an indigenous podcast such as All My Relations Podcast. See more ideas at the bottom.


Two of the contributing authors to Feel Better Do Better have indigenous heritage. Want to read their essays? Well, you're in the right place! We're giving away 2 autographed copies of the book.

Hit reply and tell us a high (favorite moment) and a low (would have been happy to have missed this one) from your experience on Nov. 24, 2022—aka American Thanksgiving—to be entered in the drawing to receive one of them!

We'll pick the winners on Monday, Nov. 28 and announce them in next week's blog.

Here's to thriving and equity, justice and joy!



Here are a few more resources for you. I found them in an email fromthe Inclusion Solution newsletter which is also very worth your time.

Helpful guides to approaching Thanksgiving with respect:
Rethinking Thanksgiving Celebrations: Native Perspectives on Thanksgiving
Should We Celebrate Thanksgiving and the Pilgrims?
A Racial Justice Guide to Thanksgiving

Honoring Native Histories with Gratitude:
Find the Native Land You Are On
Resources for Teaching on Indigenous History and Culture

Deb Shine Valentine, PhD (she, her, hers)

Life and leadership coach for change makers, healers and educators who are committed to equity, justice AND joy!

You can feel better and still be a good person. You can thrive for equity.

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