We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Programming…

The other day when I was meeting with a client, the light decided to add some rainbow magic! I had to play with it a little after the call ended.


I’m off to NYC this week for a VIP business retreat day with my new coach.  


And I’ve made up a new word…calm-cited.  That’s how I describe the deep knowing I sometimes get when I decide to do something that seems crazy (like selling our house in the middle of my husband’s chemo, leaving a tenure track job, or renting an apartment sight-unseen) but that some deep part of me knows is somehow just right for me.

Not for anyone else, but for me.

That’s how I felt when I committed more money than I’ve made all year to work with a new coach.  Calm-cited.  Calm and excited.  

Of course, I could be wrong.  But the more I follow this inner knowing, the more data I’m collecting that it really knows what it’s doing.

I’ll keep you posted as all the amazingness develops.

And I’ll share about the times when I fall flat on my face trying new things and get back up.  Both have happened already in the past two weeks.  

Because there is magic in choosing to be more loyal to your dreams than to your fears.  But failure is part of the learning game.  That’s just how it is.

In the meantime, I woke up one day with two songs in my head and felt that they were just the thing to share with you all.  I hope you’ll listen.

And even more, I hope you’ll take up some space.


Spend your day asking, “what would feel good?” and doing that next as much as you possibly can.   I’ve found that often the answer is simple, like “drink a glass of water.”

And perhaps it will feel amazingly good to sign up for Trevia Woods's mini course titled A More Justice-Centered Thanksgiving Holiday?  It's an Indigenous perspective on the holiday and a look at land acknowledgement and how to approach it. She’s one of the authors of Feel Better. Do Better and this course is one of the reasons I so wanted her to be in the book.

To Thriving and Equity,


P.S.  I felt into my core for my 1:1 coaching package pricing (see here for the current description) and as of Dec. 1, 2022, it will be $55,000, and by the way, IT’S TOTALLY WORTH IT.  If you want to be in that big energy for 60% less than the new price – or even if you’re just curious...

What’s stopping you?

Scared but excited to think about working with me?

Feel a big desire for something more in your life, but think it's impossible?

I get it! I had thought the same thing just this morning. But it's a lie. What you want IS POSSIBLE.

Let's talk before Nov. 30! Sign up for a clarity call where I’ll help you get clear on what you want in the next 12 months (which will be of incredible value to you) and whether you want me as part of your support team.   

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